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Club Information and Policy

Below are some links to club information and polices. We’ve tried to include a comprehensive list, but if you still have questions, please get in touch directly and we will answer them ASAP.

Articles of Incorporation

The Society is incorporated in the District of Columbia, with these Articles of Incorporation.

It is recognized by the IRS as a tax exempt, but not charitable, organization under section 501(c)(4) of the tax code. It’s taxpayer ID number (TIN) is: 52-1639999.


Bylaws of the Potomac Society of Rugby Football Referees. Adopted 16 December 2013.

Referee Discipline

The purpose of these procedures is to provide a regularized, systematic process for responding to and dealing with complaints of misconduct lodged against Regular Members of the Potomac Society of Rugby Football Referees.

Capital Rugby Football Union Disciplinary Report

Submit information for yellow and/or red cards given during a match.

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